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Offline Vietnamese language tutoring service in Hanoi

Private tutors are the fastest and most effective way to learn Vietnamese. We will be using our carefully designed curriculum to give you fast, but effective lessons to help you communicate with local Vietnamese people in no time at all. Whether you need to learn Vietnamese for business purposes or simply to help you get bargain prices at the local market we promise to get you started quickly and easily.


Offline tutors are available to teach you at our center in Hanoi or wherever may be convenient for you. Classes that happen at home or a cafe near to you will have a travel fee based on the distance that the tutor needs to travel. Our center is located conveniently in the middle of Hanoi next to the famous B52 lake.


One-on-one lessons:

From $15 per hour for a trainee teacher

up to $30 per hour USD for

experienced teachers

Discounts available

upon booking a lesson package


Students who sign up to a tutoring course will also get free access to our online beginners courses so you can self study online for free.


All students get a free EPV textbook and can access our free listening material available on the website and YouTube.

Discounts are available for students who book longer courses, students who sign up to 10 hours or more can get classes for $21 per hour.


Certification in Vietnamese is available through our partnerships with several universities, such as the VNU Hà Ná»™i university of Social science and humanities. If you want a certification in Vietnamese please let us know before you start a course as some of the material will be different.

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