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Offline tutoring
Group classes
Online tutoring

Online and offline options for learning Vietnamese

Mai Ngoc Tram (梅玉簪) 于 2016 年开始向居住在河内市的外国人士教授越南北方方言,并很快就发现这项工作是一种快乐的体验。随着时间的推移,她形成了一种独特的风格和她自己的材料。采用精心研发的课程,保持新鲜有趣的内容,她定期仔细地更新教材的词汇。她的课程让您快速学习,而不会忘记您已经学习过的材料。

现在,她想将她对语言的热爱传递给更多人,而 Easy Peasy Vietnamesy 正在迅速地发展。新的教师和学生给公司带来了新的体验和故事。我们很高兴地将 Tram 的创新课程带给比以往更多的人。无论您是想让自己的公司更顺利地在越南开展业务,或者想改善与朋友和家人的沟通,还是想更多地了解越南的独特文化,我们都能为您提供完美的课程。

E-learning, an online interactive self study course for Vietnamese language beginners. All students of EPV get free access to the course, but you can buy it separately if that is more convenient.

Online tutoring, get access to a highly trained and friendly tutor from anywhere in the world. Coupled with our online course this is an effective and convenient solution to accessing Vietnamese language education.

Offline private tutor, our tutors are all friendly and professional. They will help you to learn quickly and effectively. This is the quickest solution to learning, and is perfect for busy people who need to learn Vietnamese for work. Available at our center or a location more convenient to you.


Offline group classes, our friendly group classes are a comfortable way for you to learn the language in a more relaxed and fun setting. If you want to make going to the store or bartering with the locals easier this is the perfect course for you. 

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